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#MotivationMonday - How Can You Get Support Without Feeling Needy?


#MotivationMonday - How Can You Get Support Without Feeling Needy?

We’re getting started this week with a question about support and accountability. Every time I start a new project I have a ton of energy and excitement. As I meet the resistance of daily life, however, it gets tougher to get the things done that I know I need to do. Today’s question wants to know how to stay the course and move toward the accomplishment of your goals without feeling needy. Here it is…

How can I get collaboration and support without feeling needy?

If you’ve ever started trying to live your dream life or accomplish big goals, you know how important it is to get support from others to help you get there. My answer to today’s question comes in the form of…

Click here to read the full article and watch the short video.
