Viewing entries tagged
Motivation Monday

Tourette Syndrome Talk - Embrace Adversity

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Tourette Syndrome Talk - Embrace Adversity

Yesterday was Independence Day here in the United States of America. Every year, on July 4th, we celebrate the brave, monumental feat that we accomplished 243 years ago - fighting for and claiming our independence.

Our founding fathers fought for freedom. They fought for freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom to assemble - all sorts of freedoms they believed were God-given rights. The fought for their freedom against a country they didn’t believe represented them. Talk about high-achievers!

On a seemingly unrelated note, exercise and physical fitness is my hobby. I enjoy going to the gym virtually every day. And for as long as I have been going to the Gold’s Gym in my area I have seen one man in there consistently who has impressed and inspired me.

This man is in the gym all the time. I can count on seeing him at least several times a week. I think it would be safe to say that physical fitness is a lifestyle for him, too. The big difference between him and me (besides the fact that he is in better shape and is more impressive looking than me) is that he wheels his wheel-chair around the gym as he moves from machine to machine getting in a solid workout…

Click here to read the full article.

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#MotivationMonday - Staying Focused and Positive


#MotivationMonday - Staying Focused and Positive

Good Morning. It’s Monday and there are things to do. So, let’s tackle #MotivationMonday.

Today’s main question is…

  • How do you stay so focused and positive all the time?

Long story short…I’m not always positive. I deal with frustration, doubt, and sadness, just like you do.

However, when I wake up in the morning, I choose to be positive. I look around at the world and choose gratitude and thankfulness to be alive.

You know, every day is a new day, and with it, brings new challenges and adventures. I choose to be thankful to see what opportunities will present themselves to me.

Click here to read the full article and watch the short video.


#MotivationMonday - Ignore or Acknowledge Your Challenge?


#MotivationMonday - Ignore or Acknowledge Your Challenge?

It’s a glorious Monday here in Nashville, TN this morning. I hope it is where you are, too.

In today’s #MotivationMonday video, I tackle two questions…

  • To overcome a challenge, should you ignore it or acknowledge it?

  • How do you keep your challenge from defining you?

As far as ignoring or acknowledging the challenge that you are dealing with…that is a very personal decision. Both answers are right.

I have ignored my Tourette Syndrome and I have also acknowledged it. And at different times in my life, both of those choices were right for me.

When I was getting established as an entertainer, I didn’t…

Click here to read the full article and watch the short video.


#MotivationMonday - Labels


#MotivationMonday - Labels

Happy Monday Morning! In today’s #MotivationMonday I tackle two questions submitted by viewers…

  • How can I keep from falling under the labels people put on me?

  • How can I keep a positive attitude?

Confession: I hate labels. And for the most part, I can’t stand critics either.

People who critique you and try to label you and me are trying to influence the way we see ourselves. When you accept a label as true, you are limiting yourself to whatever you believe that label means. You are allowing someone else to define you. You are handing over your power to someone else. (Just typing those words makes me sick.)

You see, I believe that you and I have almost limitless possibilities. We can live our lives creating ourselves any way we choose. The moment we accept a label, however, we become limited by what we think that label means.

Click here to read the entire article and watch the short video.


#MotivationMonday - Creating Burning Desire


#MotivationMonday - Creating Burning Desire

I know what you’re thinking, ”Motivation Monday…on a Tuesday?”

Since we celebrated Memorial Day here in the States yesterday and pretty much no one was trying to get anything done, I thought it would be a better idea to help you kick-start your week by sharing #MotivationMonday today.

Today we explore two questions…

  1. How do you create the burning desire to succeed every day?

  2. Can I do this without most people noticing I have other challenges?

As far as creating the burning desire to succeed…

Click here to read the full article and watch the short video.


#MotivationMonday - Will This Make Me Stronger?


#MotivationMonday - Will This Make Me Stronger?

Hey There and Happy Monday! In today’s #MotivationMonday I take on two interesting questions…

  • Will facing my challenges make me stronger in the future?

  • Will I be able to handle things better as the challenges come along?

A few thoughts on these questions…

No matter what challenge you are dealing with, you have the opportunity to allow the challenge define you, or you can choose to define yourself. Don’t ever let the challenge define you. You are much more than the difficulties that you may deal with in this life.

Momentum is one of my favorite things. I believe the power of momentum…

Click here to read the full article and watch the short video.


#MotivationMonday - Will Others See Me as a Failure?


#MotivationMonday - Will Others See Me as a Failure?

Hey There! It’s #MotivationMonday time and I’m wondering what you are going to do this week that is going to be awesome. Have you thought about it?

I’m here again this Monday morning to answer another question that was submitted to me about success, motivation, and overcoming obstacles. This one goes to a very deep, honest place. Here is what the submitter wanted to know…

Will others see me as a failure if I am unable to reach my goals?

I’m honored that people feel comfortable enough with me and trust my opinion enough to ask me questions like this. I also love that the person who submitted this question is willing to face some inner fear and ask anyway.

The way I see it, there are two things to consider…

Click here to read the entire article and watch the short video.


#MotivationMonday - Finding the Drive & Fortitude to Achieve Goals


#MotivationMonday - Finding the Drive & Fortitude to Achieve Goals

Good Morning! Today’s #MotivationMonday answers two questions…

  • Where do you find the drive and fortitude to achieve your goals?

  • Have you ever thought about giving up?

It can be really hard to achieve your goals when you have a big vision. I share what I think is my most compelling reason why achieving your goals is sooooo important…and it has to do with leaving a legacy long after you and I leave this earth.

As far as giving up goes…who hasn’t thought about giving up?

Click here to read the article and watch the short video.


#MotivationMonday - How Can You Get Support Without Feeling Needy?


#MotivationMonday - How Can You Get Support Without Feeling Needy?

We’re getting started this week with a question about support and accountability. Every time I start a new project I have a ton of energy and excitement. As I meet the resistance of daily life, however, it gets tougher to get the things done that I know I need to do. Today’s question wants to know how to stay the course and move toward the accomplishment of your goals without feeling needy. Here it is…

How can I get collaboration and support without feeling needy?

If you’ve ever started trying to live your dream life or accomplish big goals, you know how important it is to get support from others to help you get there. My answer to today’s question comes in the form of…

Click here to read the full article and watch the short video.
